by Tal Buenos Expectations of the year 2015 have much to do with the roundness of the number of years since 1915. They also have much to do with the political purpose that the historical Ottoman-Armenian conflict serves to this ...
Since the publication of the Foreign Minsiter’s letter , the Armenian Lobby has become increasingly shrill in its criticism, and protest over the Australian government’s position on the events of 1915. The simple fact is that the Australian government does ...
The Talat Paşa Committee, a Turkish nationalist organization aiming to counter recognition of the 1915 events as the “Armenian genocide,” has been refused entry to Athens, where it had gone to issue a statement in protest at a recently approved ...
Yunan Parlamentosu’nun Türkiye aleyhinde aldığı “soykırımın inkârının cezalandırılması” kararlarını kınamak üzere Atina’ya giden Talat Paşa Komitesi geri çevrilirken İşçi Partisi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bürosu Başkanı Yunus Soner ve iki kişi gözaltına alındı.